Monday, November 16, 2009

The Golden Nugget

Once upon a time their lived two good boys. They were a good friendship. One boy name was Ki-wu and another was Pao- shu. They were very good Friend tat no cross words passed between them; no unkind thoughts marred their friendship. Their were some good fairies gave them the true reward of virtue. They both decided to go to the heart of pine forest. Pao-shu had worked like a slave at his counter and found it just as a dull as Ki-wu haded found his book. They both had came to a tree and they saw a golden nugget. The golden nugget big as a apple. One day they had decided to move to the coldest spot. They had found a master on the cave. The master said to them that their was a golden nugget, and he had told them to get the golden nugget. One day one boy found a Snake and the he kill the snake. The people saw the dead snake. So Pao-shu and Ki-wu getting things worse. Then they saw the fairies again and the fairies gave them reward.

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