Monday, May 3, 2010


How to Plant Carrots :Start carrots outdoors in a sunny garden bed or container any time from mid-spring through early summer. Plan to sow seeds for a first crop about the time the last frost of the winter is due in your area, or when the leaves begin to appear on lilac bushes. The soil must be dried out enough to be crumbly when you dig in it, otherwise it will form large lumps that harden when they dry out, and distort the development of root crops such as carrots. If you have a soil thermometer from the garden center, check to see that the soil is at least 45°F at planting time

Carrots Need Good Soil: Since carrots are a root crop, they grow best in soils that are light and that drain well. Carrots do best in sandy soil but few of us have sandy soil.

Carrots Need Sunshine: Plant carrots in full sunshine to develop their maximum potential as a root crop.

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