Monday, November 15, 2010

my favorite artist

Soulja boy is my favorite artist.
Soulja boy is raw he go hard .
I love his songs because it makes me want to dance.
He is cute and thats why I like him.
My favorite song of his is "pretty boy swag" and "she got a donk".
My favorite rapper is lil wayne. I like lil wayne because he is successfully. He amy say some stuff bad but i don'y pay that no attention. Anyways I like nicki minaj too.. she is a a girl or a femail rapper.. She is in a group with lil wayne called YOUNG MONEY.. some of the people are DRAKE,TYGA,NICKI MINAJ,LILWAYNE.. Lilwayne was rapping ever sence he was 11 years old. Lil wayne songs are [wellthis is some.some i like]gonorrhea,watch my shoes,single,ol lets do it. nicki has long pretty hair.. she is from toyko. I think she is japernes. Lil wayne lived with his grandma when he was little becaus he mom live some where else or not with him.Lil wyane has a doughter named REGINAE CARTER. SHE IS 11 YEARS OLD AND USED TO BE OIN A GROUP CALLED OMG GIRLZ. SHE NOT IN IT NO MORE BECAUSE HER DAD AND HER MOM[TOYA CARTER FROM TINY AND TOYA] DIDNT WANT HER IN IT. IT WAS BEST THAT SHE JUST FORCUSED ON SCHOOL... THIS IS A LITTLE ABOUT MY FAVORITE RAPPER.. LIL WAYE.. OR WE SAAY.. LIL WEEZY. DAWAYNE MICHELLE CARET J.R THE 3RD.BEST RAPPER ALIVE HE SAY.. BY IMARI FEARS
little wayne is my favorite singer.

at school i played
i had for lunch work
i did my home work.



My day went kind of good. I played The warm wind blows. Today I picked a book for the first time.I have homework today and my teacher explained it to us.I played four squares at school . I had a great day at school. LOVE , DAVEYANA

all about school

my day at school was so fantastc because this girl gave me a socer and i learnd new things. in math we leared about how to borrow and how to measure. at the end of the day we have a group and people come from diffrent class.I helped the teacher collect all the materials.And the teacher gave me a prize.

Monday, May 3, 2010


how to plant watermelon

first you have to have enough sunlight (hot weather). Next you have have to get good soil to plant it in. oh and you need seds ofcorse. Now you need to plant the seeds . Make sure you plant them about a feet apart. After water the soil. Then you wait aday or so and water it again. You keep doing that for about 100 days and you will have a beautful melon garden

who do u grow cucumbers

  1. Rows: space plants placing one seed every 2" to 8" in rows 4' to 5' apart.
  2. Hills: plant 5 to 8 seeds per hill. When plants emerge, cut off weaker plants leaving only 2 to 3 per hill. Allow 3' to 6' between hills.
  3. Beds: place hills in beds following spacing for hills above.
  4. Containers: Place seeds as described above for rows or hills. Use bush-type cucumbers which require less room or grow plants on cages or on trellises.
  5. Grown in high temperatures with inadequate water, fruits develop a bitter flavor. Most of the bitterness is in the inch of fruit closest to the stem and near the skin. Some new varieties contain a gene that eliminates all bitterness even under stress.

peas and sweet peas

  1. Prepare fertile soil for garden peas. Compost, processed or well-rotted manure are excellent organic amendments to incorporate with your planting soil.
  2. Make your rows in a north/south direction for best sun exposure and air circulation.
  3. Soak the seeds for an hour or more prior the sowing.
  4. Treat the seeds with a nitrogen inoculant before seeding (to fix the nitrogen in the soil) and hasten germination.
  5. Dig a furrow 4 inches deep, covering the seeds with only 1 inch of soil, then fill in as seedlings develop.
  6. Space seeds about 1 to 2 inches apart in the row.
  7. Thin seedlings to 2 inches apart when they are 4 inches high.
  8. Space rows about 24 to 30 inches apart. Bush varieties can be grown in wide rows, spacing the seeds only 2 inches apart in all directions. Pole types can be planted on both sides of the trellis support to double yield.
  9. Seeds usually germinate in 10 to 20 days, depending upon soil moisture and weather conditions.
  10. Sow seeds at 2 to 3 week intervals, until mid-spring for continual harvest. Sow in mid-July for fall harvest.
  11. Be certain to put up trellis support for climbing (pole) varieties, as soon as seedlings are 2 to 4 inches high.
  12. When vines begin to die back, either compost or spade them into the soil.

Get an early start on your gardening season by planting peas and sweet peas!


  1. Grow bean plants in full sun. They prefer rich, well draining soil. The plants are heavy feeders. Add compost prior to planting. Apply a side dressing of fertilizer, to give these plants a fast start as soon as they germinate.

  2. Thin seedling to proper distance, as noted on the seed packet. If there are no directions, space plants three inches apart in rows three feet apart. Double rows are common in home gardens. When using double rows, leave enough room for the them to grow without the rows overcrowding.

  3. Pole beans and vining bean crops require some support. Fences, trellis, poles, or netting should be provided in sufficient height for maximum growth of the vines. Pest and Plant Netting works well as a support, too. Set up the netting like a fence. You can also use the netting to cover the crop to keep pests out.

  4. It takes 60 to 90 days depending on variety. If planted early, many areas can plant a fall crop.


Tomato seedlings will need either strong, direct sunlight or 14-18 hours under grow lights. Place the young plants only a couple of inches from florescent grow lights. Plant your tomatoes outside in the sunniest part of your vegetable plot.Water deeply and regularly while the plants are developing. Irregular watering, (missing a week and trying to make up for it), leads to blossom end rot and cracking. Once the fruit begins to ripen, lessening the water will coax the plant into concentrating its sugars. Don’t withhold water so much that the plants wilt and become stressed or they will drop their blossoms and possibly their fruit. Determine type tomatoes tend to set and ripen their fruit all at one time, making a large quantity available when you’re ready to make sauce. You can get indeterminate type tomatoes to set fruit earlier by pinching off the tips of the main stems in early summer.

hot peppers


Peppers should be at least 8 inches apart from one another to grow properly; 12-15 inches would be ideal.

Peppers should get from 6-8 hours of sunlight.

Sow seedlings indoors, eight to ten weeks before the last frost date for your area. They are a difficult seed germinate, and seedlings grow slowly at first. Provide bottom heat or heat lamps to raise the soil temperature to 80 degrees. This will promote better and quicker germination. A heated germination mat works well.

While your seedlings are growing, get your garden ready. Add plenty of compost, manure, and a general fertilizer.
Peppers like hot weather. Transplant young seedlings outdoors after the last chance of frost. If the weather is still cool, delay transplanting a few days, and keep them in a coldframe, indoors, or next to the house.
Space 18-24 inches apart, in rows 24 to 30 inches apart.

Mulching around the peppers to keep down weeds, retain moisture, and help to feed the plant. As the peppers develop, switch over to a fertilizer higher in Phosphorous and Potassium. Gardeners often make the mistake of providing too much nitrogen. The result is a great looking bushy, green plant, but few fruit.



You want to grow Rosemary herb, you will need to give this plant plenty of space. The Herb Rosemary is actually an evergreen shrub that grows 3-6 feet tall. Rosemary is a member of the mint family, and is native to the Mediterranean region.
Rosemary has attractive, thin, dark green leaves and pale blue flowers. The Rosemary plant is susceptible to frost. Many herb gardeners grow it as an annual. It is a perennial in warm areas.

How to Grow Rosemary Shrubs:
Rosemary are avery easy to grow evergreen shrub. They prefer full sun to partial shade. Rosemary plants grow well in almost any well draining soil. They tolerate dry soil conditions and drought.
Rosemary are grown from seed. The seed is hard to start. Soak the seeds in water a few hours before planting.
We recommend starting it indoors on propagation mats to improve germination success. Start plants indoors six weeks before the last frost. Start earlier to enjoy these plants as an indoor houseplant. After the seeds sprout, place them in a warm, sunny window.
When transplanting outdoors, space plants three feet or more apart. In warm areas where there is no frost or freezes, select a location where it can grow for many years.
Fertilizer is not needed, except in very poor soils.
Watering plants is usually not necessary, even during droughts.T
Prune established plants to maintain health and appearance.
Harvest leaves and use fresh, as needed, in the summer. As autumn arrives, pick leaves in the morning when the oils are at their peak. Spread leaves out to dry in a cool, well ventilated area. Or, pick and freeze immediately.
Uses for Rosemary:
The leaves are used fresh, dried, or frozen in many recipes. It commonly is used on meats (beef, chicken, ribs), stews, sauces, and soups.
Fresh Rosemary can be used as a tea by adding a few fresh or dried leaves.
Rosemary has been used to treat both stomach aches and headaches. It is also believed to aid in memory retention.
The oil of Rosemary is used in perfumes and cosmetics. It has also been used as a moth repellent.


How to Plant Carrots :Start carrots outdoors in a sunny garden bed or container any time from mid-spring through early summer. Plan to sow seeds for a first crop about the time the last frost of the winter is due in your area, or when the leaves begin to appear on lilac bushes. The soil must be dried out enough to be crumbly when you dig in it, otherwise it will form large lumps that harden when they dry out, and distort the development of root crops such as carrots. If you have a soil thermometer from the garden center, check to see that the soil is at least 45°F at planting time

Carrots Need Good Soil: Since carrots are a root crop, they grow best in soils that are light and that drain well. Carrots do best in sandy soil but few of us have sandy soil.

Carrots Need Sunshine: Plant carrots in full sunshine to develop their maximum potential as a root crop.

how to grow onions grow

What do onions need to grow?

1. onions need full sunlight for it to be able to thrive.

2. onions need 30 militers of water a day.

3. onions need time for it to thrive and see a sprout come out.

4. onions need at lest 4inches apart so it can grow.

5. onions should be grown in the month of September and October.

how to grow lettuce

1.put soil in a cup that haves a hole.

2.make a hole in the soil in the cup.

3.put the seeds in the hole.

4.water the seeds.

5.put the plant on the window so it could grow.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Monday, April 5, 2010




Monday, March 8, 2010

Cheese Pizza

Basic Pizza Dough
2 teaspoons olive oil
1 cup fat-free bottled pizza sauce
2 cups (8 ounces) shredded part-skim mozzarella cheese
1/2 cup (2 ounces) grated fresh Parmesan cheese
Position one oven rack in the middle setting. Position another rack in the lowest setting, and place a rimless baking sheet on the bottom rack. Preheat oven to 500°.
Remove plastic wrap from Basic Pizza Dough; discard plastic. Brush olive oil over dough. Remove preheated baking sheet from oven, and close oven door. Slide dough onto preheated baking sheet, using a spatula as a guide. Bake on lowest oven rack at 500° for 8 minutes. Remove from oven.
Spread sauce in an even layer over crust, leaving a 1/4-inch border. Top with mozzarella and Parmesan cheeses. Bake on middle rack an additional 10 minutes or until crust is golden brown and cheese melts. Cut into 12 wedges.

Somali Halwa

8 cups of water
1 lb granulated sugar
1 lb light brown sugar
1 cup cornstarch
1 cup ghee/oil
1 teaspoon nutmeg
2 teaspoon of ground cardamom
Pinch saffron powder
Bring the sugar and the water to boil.
Mix cornstarch, saffron and half of cup water, allow it to dissolve.
Add the cornstarch to the mixture.
Cook the mixture over medium heat while stirring.
As the mixture turns thick, start adding oil. This might take about an hour.
Continue adding oil when it sticks to the bottom of the pan.
Keep stirring until the mixture gets separated.
When it starts to form like a big ball and it leaves the sides of the pan add cardamom and nutmeg.
Put the halwad on a baking sheet.
Let it cool.

Chicken Samosa FIlling


500g minced Chicken
1 onion
2 cloves of garlic crushed
1teaspon curry powder
½ easpon chilli powder
1 teasmon ground tumeric
½ teaspon gorund roasted cumin seeds
1 fresh chilli finaly diced
1 tspn chopped mint or corriander
½ tspn fresh grated ginger
salt and ground pepper to taste
juice of half a lemon

Heat the oil in a frying pan, add the onion and garlic mix in the spices and seasoning and fry until soft. Add the mince, stirring until cooked. Remove from heat and stir in the mint and lemon juice.
225gm. plain flour2 tspn.
vegetable oil80 ml warm water.
Mix flour and salt into a bowl.
Make a well into the centre and add the oil and enough water to make a firm dough. Knead the dough on a floured surface until smooth and roll into a ball. Cover in plastic wrap and set aside at room temperature for 30 minutes.
Divide the pastry into 12 equal pieces. Roll each piece into a ball and roll out into a circle of 15 cm. Divide this circle into two equal pieces with a knife.
Brush each edge with a little water and form a cone shape around your fingers, sealing the dampened edge.
Fill the cases with a tblpns of your chosen mixture and press the two dampened edges together to seal the top of the cone.Deep fry the samosas in hot oil until crisp and brown take out and drain on a paper towel.
Welcome to

Salt-and-Pepper Shrimp

Salt-and-Pepper Shrimp
by Pa Kou Lor

A stir-fried version of the deep-fried Chinese dish that's both quick and light yet keeps the intense flavor of the original. Prep and Cook Time: 20 minutes. Notes: The different peppercorns add a subtle range of pepper flavor to this dish, but you can stick to just black peppercorns too; simply decrease the total amount to 1 1/2 tsp.
Total Time: 20 minutesYield: Makes 4 to 6 servings

1/2 teaspoon each black, green, red, and white peppercorns
2 pounds shrimp, shells on
2 teaspoons salt, divided
2 tablespoons vegetable or peanut oil
4 cloves garlic, chopped
1 cup cilantro leaves, roughly chopped

1. Put peppercorns in a mortar and crush roughly with a pestle. Or put peppercorns in a large resealable plastic bag, spread out on a hard, flat surface, and crush with the bottom of a heavy frying pan or rolling pin.
2. Put shrimp, half of the crushed peppercorns, and 1 tsp. salt in a large bowl and toss to coat shrimp evenly. Set aside.
3. Heat a wok or large (not nonstick) pot over high heat. Add oil, garlic, remaining crushed peppercorns, and remaining 1 tsp. salt and cook, stirring constantly, until fragrant, about 1 minute. Add shrimp and cook, stirring constantly, until pink and cooked through, 3 to 4 minutes. Add cilantro, turn off heat, and toss to combine. Serve immediately.

Authentic Chinese Egg Rolls

Prep Time:1 Hr
Cook Time:20 Min
Ready In:2 Hrs 20 Min
Original Recipe Yield 20 egg rolls

4 teaspoons vegetable oil
3 eggs, beaten
1 medium head cabbage, finely shredded
1/2 carrot, julienned
1 (8 ounce) can shredded bamboo shoots
1 cup dried, shredded wood ear mushroom, rehydrated
1 pound Chinese barbequed or roasted pork, cut into matchsticks
2 green onions, thinly sliced
2 1/2 teaspoons soy sauce
1 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon sugar
1/2 teaspoon monosodium glutamate (MSG)
1 (14 ounce) package egg roll wrappers
1 egg white, beaten
4 cups oil for frying, or as needed
1) Heat 1 teaspoon vegetable oil in a wok or large skillet over medium heat. Pour in beaten eggs and cook, without stirring, until firmed. Flip the eggs over and cook for an additional 20 seconds to firm the other side. Set egg pancake aside to cool, then slice into thin strips.
2) Heat the remaining vegetable oil in a wok or large skillet over high heat. Stir in cabbage and carrot; cook for 2 minutes to wilt. Add bamboo, mushroom, pork, green onions, soy sauce, salt, sugar, and MSG; continue cooking until the vegetables soften, about 6 minutes. Stir in sliced egg, then spread mixture out onto a pan, and refrigerate until cold, about 1 hour.
3) To assemble the egg rolls, place a wrapper onto your work surface with one corner pointing towards you. Place about 3 tablespoons of cooled filling in a heap onto the bottom third of the wrapper. Brush a little beaten egg white onto the top two edges of the wrapper, then fold the bottom corner over the filling and roll firmly to the halfway point. Fold the left and right sides snugly over the egg roll, then continue rolling until the top corners seal the egg roll with the egg white. Repeat with remaining egg roll wrappers, covering finished egg rolls with plastic wrap to keep from drying out.
4) Heat about 6-inches of oil in a wok or deep-fryer to 350 degrees F (175 degrees C).
5) Fry egg rolls 3 or 4 at a time until golden brown, 5 to 7 minutes. Drain on paper towels.

Ginger Beef

1 pound beef (rouladen)
1 celery stalk1 carrot
3 hot chili peppers
2 tablespoons fresh ginger, minced
2 cloves garlic, minced
1 teaspoon sesame oil
2 tablespoons dark soy sauce
1 tablespoon cooking wine
1 teaspoon sugar
2 tablespoons ginger juice
1 egg white, lightly beaten
1/4 cup water
1/4 cup flour
1/4 cup cornstarch
1 tablespoon hot chili oil (optional)
1 tablespoon wine
2 tablespoons light soy sauce
1 tablespoon vinegar
4 tablespoons sugar (can substitute brown sugar or honey, if desired)
1/2 teaspoon sesame oil
2 tablespoons waterchili oil or chili powder to taste
4 to 5 cups oil for deep-frying
Cut beef into matchstick strips, cutting along the grain. (The meat is easier to cut if it is partially frozen).To make ginger juice for marinade, peel and grate ginger. Squeeze out juice.Mix four marinade ingredients.
Add to beef and marinate for 30 minutes.Begin preparing vegetables. Cut carrots, celery, and pepper into thin strips. Mince garlic. For ginger, use the leftover minced ginger from the preparation of ginger juice.Mix the sauce ingredients. Set aside.
Beat the egg white and add water. Add flour and cornstarch. Mix the batter thoroughly. Drop the batter into the marinated meat. Heat wok. When heated, add 3 - 5 cups of oil.
When the oil is ready, add about 1/4 of the meat/batter mixture. Deep-fry the beef until golden brown. Remove and set aside. Let oil come back to original temperature and add more meat.When meat is cooked, clean the wok. Heat and add 1 tablespoon oil. When oil is ready, add the vegetables and begin stir-frying. Pour in the sauce and let come to a boil. Add the deep-fried beef. Toss quickly, and remove.
Sprinkle with sesame oil and serve hot

French Onion Tomato Soup

4 cups thinly sliced onions
1 garlic clove, minced
2 tablespoons butter or margarine
1 (46 ounce) can tomato juice
2 teaspoons beef bouillon granules
3 tablespoons lemon juice
2 teaspoons dried parsley flakes
2 teaspoons brown sugar
6 slices French bread, toasted
2 cups shredded mozzarella cheese

In a large saucepan, saute onions and garlic in butter until tender. Add the tomato juice, bouillon, lemon juice, parsley and brown sugar. Bring to a boil. Reduce heat; simmer, uncovered, for 10 minutes, stirring occasionally.
Ladle soup into 10-oz. ovenproof soup bowls or ramekins. Top with French bread; sprinkle with cheese. Broil 4-6 in. from the heat for 2-3 minutes or until cheese is bubbly.

In a medium bowl, combine the sirloin with 1 tablespoon of the soy sauce, 1 teaspoon of the sesame oil, and a pinch of red-pepper flakes. Bring a medium pot of salted water to a boil. Stir in the rice and boil until just done, about 10 minutes. Drain the rice and return it to the pot.
Meanwhile, heat a large nonstick frying pan over moderately high heat. Put the beef mixture in the pan and cook, stirring occasionally, until browned and just cooked, 1 to 2 minutes. Remove. Put the watercress and the teaspoon of soy sauce in the pan and cook until the watercress is just wilted, about 30 seconds. Remove.
Reduce the heat to moderate. Put a few drops of sesame oil in the frying pan. Add the egg to the pan and cook until just done, about 30 seconds. Remove from the pan and cut into thin strips.
Heat the cooking oil in the pan over moderately high heat. Add the scallions and 1/8 teaspoon red-pepper flakes and cook, stirring, for 1 minute. Add the cooked rice to the pan and heat, stirring, for 3 minutes. Add the remaining 2 tablespoons soy sauce, the beef, watercress, and egg. Heat, stirring, 1 to 2 minutes longer. Drizzle the remaining teaspoon of sesame oil over the top.

Grilled Teriyaki Beef Kabobs

By Chase Lor
1 1/2pounds beef boneless top sirloin steak, cut into 1-inch cubes
1cup teriyaki baste and glaze
1medium bell pepper, cut into 1-inch pieces
18medium whole fresh mushrooms
2tablespoons vegetable oil
1/4cup sesame seed, toasted

1.Place beef in shallow glass or plastic dish or heavy-duty resealable plastic bag. Pour teriyaki baste and glaze over beef. Cover dish or seal bag and refrigerate, stirring beef occasionally, at least 4 hours but no longer than 24 hours.
2.Heat coals or gas grill for direct heat. Remove beef from marinade; discard marinade. Thread beef, bell pepper and mushrooms alternately on each of six 15-inch metal skewers, leaving space between each piece. Brush bell pepper and mushrooms with oil. Sprinkle kabobs with sesame seed.
3.Cover and grill kabobs 4 to 6 inches from medium heat 15 to 20 minutes, turning frequently, until beef is no longer pink in center.

Monday, February 1, 2010

when i was a little baby

when i was a little baby i was
so chubby my mom will pinch me
and it didnt hurt. i was laphing so
hard i cryed and cryed then i stoped.
crying and laphed agian but it was
my birthday. so i made a wished
and it came trou

Monday, January 11, 2010

once up a time there lived a pirot that found gold but it was red gold it was blood but it was pemenet blood because the pirate cursed gold it whith its blood.only

the lake

people say there was a lake in the forest. Not just any lake people said it was so pretty they almost was blind. The lakes water so clean the color light blue. People said it was so clean you can drink from it without getting sick. The water felt like silk people say if you eat the fish you will have good luck! People say the lake dryed out because nobody went to go see it.



the girl

One day there was a girl. She always like to go to a forest and
play.She would play with all the nice anamil.But one day the walk
into the forest the girl saw a house she start to walk into the house
she walk up stair . She saw a girl was crying so the girl took the forest girl
home. The next day the little girl was gone so girl went back to the
forest and she saw the girl that she found was bared so the girl say sorry
and put a flower there where she got bared and the went home.
everyday girl would come to the places where the got bared.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

The bad Killer

Long ago there live a killer.He kill all the animal
that he saw and on his he saw a deer was crying for help because
the deer was hurt.He try to but the deer told the killer that if he save
the deer then he would have a good luck but the killer didn't care.
Soon the killer kill the deer.Many years pass the killer went to work
on the first day.All the people side he was a killer. After 5 years pass
away all the people kill the killer.


Look at those
words that
tell so much

Look at those
words that
mean so

Look at those
words that
sound so

Look at those
words that
rhyme so
Once upon a time there was a woman she live in the forest alone. She was ugly and at night she play the flute she play the flute to get the village girl. Than she boil them and eat them. She kept doing that so the village people was very worried about their daughter. They stay all night, so the daughter won't be gone. That night a girl walk out the door and straight to the forest. The father saw and call for her but she didn't hear. The father told the man of the village to go with him and the wife stay with their daughter. They follow the girl to the house and they saw the old woman they took the old women and burn her. Her last word that she said if they ever think of her and said about her she will take their beauty away.
once upon a time it was this girl who loved to go over her grandma house. And then they always eat chicken and hot sauce. And then she always give us money .And then we always see our cousins. And they play with us. And then they always come over our house. and then always they always mess up my room and then always talk about boys and then they always eat my food up and i am not getting another dog becaue they bit me
once there was a man and there was a women who did not have a love to marry did the man. so the man tried to look nice and good to try to get a women. the women did too. she got all dressed up and hoped that she can get a man. but one day they met.