Monday, November 30, 2009

Demetre's gold

Once upon a time there was a Little boy who was curious about everything.
Then one day he found a golden rock then he picked it up it was heavy. So
he brought the gold home and then showed his mother and it was real gold
every one shouted WOW!!!!!!! Then one day they said it cost more than
1 million dollars.So Demetre spent the money on a new mansion with all the
stuff inside.Then one morning Demetre found another piece of gold.He brought it to
his father and it was more than 1 million dollars again Demetre was so happy.
They bought cars and a lot of cool stuff. Then one day a kid got jealous and
beat Demetre up. Demetre was really scared then another kid found him.
The boy took Demetre home and Demetre's mom and dad got worried.Then 5
months later he healed up and had fun, but their mom and dad were still
worried about Demetre. But days later they got happier and happier with
Demetre, and they lived a happy life again .
The End.

The mystery of Rob

Once upon a time Rob said "hi" to his family for Thanksgiving. It was a good day, a very good one. His family loved it when he came over. He loved going over to his family's house for a good day. He liked going there every day for the good food and his family. It was so great. It was the best day of his life. Then something bad happened. Somebody got their finger chopped off , because they were chopping the carrots too fast! The kids went to get their mom to tell them that their dad got his finger chopped off. Then he had to go to the ER. The kids and the mom were crying because they thought something bad was going to happen. The doctors said they had to put the dad to sleep to sew the finger back on, but he is going to be okay.
The End.

The Adventure of the Wings Cat

Once upon a time there was a cat, she was just about to have babies.She was shock after her 6 baby was born, her 6 babies have wings.When her babies had grown, her babies had to go live on their own. One day these 6 kittens were chased by a huge dog, but lukily they had wings and the first one was taken the first flight and then the others began to as well. At night they flew to a tree and slept with an owl there for their were safe. At day time they would fly to people's trash and tried to find something to eat. There was a boy and a girl they was shock when they saw those kitten. They decide to give some cat food for them. Now the 6 kitten would come to their house and eat every time. The boy and the girl decided to keep the 6 kittens as pet. The 6 kittens became cats and 3 have babies. All the babies that 3 cat had with wings and the cat wings pass their wings down from generation to generation. They Lived Happily Ever After!!!!

Jim's became a vampire bat

One day Jim was so mad that he had a very red head, and it is redder than tomatoes. So one day he went to a mountain and he will kill himself in the mountain. Then he sliped and then he fell into the mountain. He was lucky because he had fallen into the fluffy grass. Next he had meet a lot of animals, since the animals were so nice that they carried him to the cave. The cave had a very mad bat and there is a king bat that was very very very very very very very very very angry bat. So if you did something wrong he's gonna eat your head.Later on he was becoming into a very bad vampire. When he went to another city he's gonna eat a lot of people in the city.There was a boy who was very very very very brave that he going to kill the vampire. But when he see the vampire he go hid under the tree. Then the vampire comes the vampire don't see the bravest boy. All the people thought that he was the bravest boy but why he hid under a tree. So they decided to stop calling him the bravest bot they called him the weakest boy. Last there was a boy and the boy had a very very very very good idea. he put poison on the food. Then the vampire ate the food and then he died.
Hi said Phil.Hi said Bob.Hi said dad.Hi said mom.Hi said Nick.Hi said Mick.Hi said Dan.Hi said Fad.Hi said Rob.Bye said Phil.Bye said Bob.Bye said dad.Bye said mom.Bye said Nick.
Bye said Mick.Bye said Dan.Bye said Fad.Bye said Rob. They lived forever the end.
Hi said phil.
Hi said phil.

Jim's favorite store

Monday, November 23, 2009

The unually girl

There was a girl named Justice Lewis she is a movie star she drove an SUV. she was Hmong she lives in St.Paul but she was going to her parents house for thanksgiving dinner .she took an airplane to California where it isn't fret zing cold.she had heard that there was going to be an extravaganza.when she seen her family she was happy .then she saw this boy named thy yangit was love at first sight. he had a baby who was part shaman she made a mistake about loving him because he was a robber

Dester Faraway

Every Holiday in Minnesota are fairytale. Where every people go to school far away from home in the desert. Most of them got homesick. In the far away place, people are bully at each other. Where they never got Turkey on Thanksgiving and hear the wonderful story about the pilgrims. All the desert are catastrophe, the people didn't care about the place.There are weakling Myspace and the people can't very connect each other. All the people desire to have a vacation and go back home and never want to return back to the pink school in desert again.

The unuaslly

roberra loves to solve ridles at homewith his best friend.

they are waiting for a thanks giving party.

they make a silly ridle in a beatifull voice.

demetre is a champion ridle.

my little sister breaks every.

timothy loves to hip hop.

my step sister is verry nice to everyone.

Monday, November 16, 2009

Once upon a time many years ago lived in China two friends named Gabrela Troy

The two boys who were in a forest!

what today i read about is that these two boys was going to the forest and he was just going to go to the woods for to look for something but the was not just looking for gold they was looking for a golden apple and the boys two names was Peg and eases and they lived for a long time do you wont to live for a long time? Will i do and some people love to go somewhere you can be and stay there for your hole life it was a funny one they had seen a snack and they all had jumped up and then one of them killed the snack and then they got punish they couldn't take a bath ,they couldn't eat so guest what they died because they didn't eat but guest what they did live they was abut to died and they gave the golden apple and they lived happily ever after!

the golden nugget

once upon a time far far far away in china there were two best friends named Ki-Wu and
Pao-shu they love each other like brothers. One day they went to go find treasure because Ki- Wu has been study it for days already soon on the path Lie's a golden nugget. they each fought over each other on who's getting the nugget they both insisting each other to have the nugget. But at the end non of them got it they both decided that they should not fight to break their friendship. So they lift the nugget behind. then they decided to go there favorite land then found a man they both worn the man and lived happily ever after.

by mr. jordan

two friends were talking about buying a xbox 360.they are saying that it is a bad thing to do. because they did not have the money for the xbox 360 the end.

trip to la

Once upon a time there was two men called Demetre and Roberra
they were best pals and one day they were going to Los Angles
and they rode the boat for six months with no sleep no shower
and no TV.Finally they arrived at Los Angles .They went to a hotel
and went up desk and rented a room when they notice they have
no money so they got kicked out.they had no cash no food and no
toilet paper so one day they went walking and then they saw a shining
rock in the California lake .they looked again and there were 50shiny rocks
and it was gold.So they bought a big house and found great women
and stayed rich.

The Mystery of the Nugget

Once upon a time in China there was two boy name Pao-shu and Ki-wu. They has a very large friendship, but they hate the noise in the city. Pao hate his job because he was treated badly. While Ki-wu was working on his books. They both would love to have a very quite place to live. They went to the forest and saw a shiny in the pathway and they dig it up it was a Treasure that was gold in it .The both say you should take it and give a reason with it. They both have an idea and it was to hide it in a place that no one would though about it. It is the coolest place, but there was already someone there. The man said, ''don't touch those Nugget!''. But there was a snake that snake lead them to some Nugget and even bigger than an apple.

The Golden Nugget

Once upon a time their lived two good boys. They were a good friendship. One boy name was Ki-wu and another was Pao- shu. They were very good Friend tat no cross words passed between them; no unkind thoughts marred their friendship. Their were some good fairies gave them the true reward of virtue. They both decided to go to the heart of pine forest. Pao-shu had worked like a slave at his counter and found it just as a dull as Ki-wu haded found his book. They both had came to a tree and they saw a golden nugget. The golden nugget big as a apple. One day they had decided to move to the coldest spot. They had found a master on the cave. The master said to them that their was a golden nugget, and he had told them to get the golden nugget. One day one boy found a Snake and the he kill the snake. The people saw the dead snake. So Pao-shu and Ki-wu getting things worse. Then they saw the fairies again and the fairies gave them reward.